Thursday, March 27, 2014

Going Green: What Does Going Green Mean to me?

Going  green” is a popular phrase these days.  But what does going green mean? In essence, it refers to using various everyday methods to help save the world and its environment. Many people consider going  green to be an actual lifestyle; for them, it means basing your actions on working to save the world. From the smallest details to the most sweeping aspects of life, saving the world by implementing a green lifestyle is something that more and more people are aiming to do or thinking of doing.  I love "Mother Earth" so I make it a habit to practice "Greener Living " everyday.

Definition of Green

Living a green lifestyle – or going  green – can begin in a easy, small, ways. Recycling is a part of helping to save the world through green living. Reducing one’s reliance on oil-based energy sources is another method employed in trying to save the world. Purchasing only all organic, chemical free products is another way going green, and is considered a very effective at trying to save the world and all of its resources. Green living is infiltrating all parts of daily life, and the planet & people are sure to be benefit from it.

Going Green Pros and Cons

Like other types of lifestyle, going green and trying to save the world through environmentally friendly habits has its Pros (pluses) and Cons (minuses). 
The Pros (plus) side is saving the planet and contributing to a healthier earth and a healthier you.
The Cons (minuses) can be a costly proposition; many organic products have higher price tags than traditional products, hybrid vehicles are expensive, geothermal HVAC is higher than Traditional methods for heating, cooling and hot water. You get the picture. 

Going Green At Home

Besides big investment purchases; Energy Star products, Geothermal HVAC, Solar Panels, and Wind Turbines there are plenty of ways of going green at home.
* Make a contribution to save the world by trying to purchase organic and chemical free       products wherever possible. Doing so creates healthier farming practices, which can substantially work to save the world.
* Being more conscientious about not wasting tap water.
* Turning off lights when they are not necessary. 
*Create a compost pile in your backyard.
*Planting a vegetable garden in place of water hugging grass.
* Use bicycles – or going on foot – wherever possible in place of gas guzzling vehicles.
*Pick up trash you come across, don't leave it for someone else.
*Recycle items like tin cans, aluminium items , metal, iron, copper. 
*Recycle items into useful  reusable creative items. Examples: Plastic milk containers made into bird feeders, planters, clothes you never wear into quilts.  
Going green is an overall life philosophy, a desire, toward protecting the natural environment from destruction and pollution and can be applied in even the most mundane details of one’s life with success.
I just started this Blog, so please be patience as I gather materials to add and learn my layout.
Here is a something interesting.  I found this on the Web and it was free to use.  Although it's a narrow view of the "free living, earth saving" image of folks these days, it does give you an idea of what level you may be at in the living green movement. What level do you think you are in being a Modern Hippie?

The Hippie Continuum Scale / con·tin·u·um meaning a range or series of things that are slightly different from each other with the same goal.

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